Health check

Good to know what your body is up to. A full spectrum diagnosis with a detailed final consultation.

It’s always good to know what your body is up to.

The Tannerhof health check is a compact internal diagnosis programme which will show your status quo in health matters. No stress with medical appointments or sitting around in waiting rooms – it’s all easy and close at hand.

After your personal health check we will give you a handout with made-to-measure advices on medical matters.

Package available for a stay starting from 4 days:

  • Initial medical examination1 x
  • Final medical consultation1 x
  • Final report1 x
  • Bio-impedance measurement1 x
  • Standard lab values1 x
  • Rest / exercion ECG1 x
  • Ultrasound scan of heart, abdomen and thyroid1 x
  • Examination of the brain supplying vessels1 x
  • Lung function test 1 x
  • SOMNOMEDICS® Long-term blood pressure control without cuff1 x

Package price 1430
in € per person plus
room cost &




Or book by phone: +49 (0)8023-810

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