
Made to meet your needs

Depending on the time you can spare we have the matching fasting arrangements for you. Of course you are also welcome to individually build your made-to-measure package.

Hier gibt es die passenden Zusatz Behandlungspakete zum Heilfasten nach Buchinger im Fastenhotel Tannerhof. Stimmige Kombinationen von sinnvollen Behandlungen und Treatments für eine rundum perfekte Fastenerfahrung. Unsere ärztliche Begleitung ist ebenfalls inkludiert, damit alle Tannerhof Fastenden gut in diese wertvolle Zeit starten können. Wenn das mentale Sortieren beim Fasten im Vordergrund steht, empfehlen wir die ICH BIN ICH Pakete zum Fasten. Geht es um die Verbesserung der Abwehrkräfte, könnte auch das Paket Immunbooster geeignet sein.
Alle Behandlungspakete werden zusätzlich zum Zimmer gebucht. HIER gehts zu den Zimmern. Und HIER geht es zu allen bei uns angebotenen Treatments, falls noch was zum Fasten-am-Tannerhof-Glück fehlen sollte.

Fasting Arrangements

Buchinger’s therapeutic fasting – SMALL

Listen within, feel light and free

Initial medical examination 1 x
Follow-up medical examination 1 x
Final medical consultation 1 x
Bio-impedance measurement 2 x
Kneipp casts 3 x
IHHT altitude training 1 x
Hay blossom pack 3 x
Fasting massage 2 x
Detox massage with "King's oil" 1 x
Respiratory therapie 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Sunday toTuesday, Thursday


Buchinger’s therapeutic fasting – MEDIUM

Listen within, feel light and free

Initial medical examination 1 x
Follow-up medical examination 1 x
Final medical consultation 1 x
Bodyfat measurement 2 x
Kneipp cast 4 x
IHHT altitude training 2 x
Hay blossom pack 4 x
Aroma wrap 1 x
Fasting massage 3 x
Detox massage with "King's oil" 1 x
Respiratory therapy 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Sunday to Tuesday, Thursday


Buchinger’s therapeutic fasting – LARGE

Listen within, feel light and free

Initial medical examination 1 x
Follow-up medical examination 1 x
Final medical consultation 1 x
Bodyfat measurement 2 x
Kneipp cast 6 x
IHHT altitude training 3 x
Hay blossom pack 6 x
Aroma wrap 2 x
Respiratory therapy 2 x
Fasting massage 4 x
Intensive detox treatment with "King's oil" 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Sunday to Tuesday, Thursday



The kick for my infection defense

Medical consultation 1 x
Final medical consultation 1 x
large Ozon-Therapy 2 x
Herta Richter respiratory treatment 1 x
IHHT - Height training 2 x
Foot reflexology 1 x
Kneipp casts 3 x
Detoxbad 1 x
Craniosacral-Behandlung 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Sunday toTuesday, Thursday


I AM WHAT I AM - my compact mental coaching small

Strengthen my ME in challenging times! 2 reflective, resource-strengthening coaching sessions to choose from in one week (talk therapy possible 1x/week). Framed by treatments to let the breath flow, build roots, let go

initial medical examination 1 x
final medical examination 1 x
Coaching session (holistic-, business-, nature-, or art therapy) 2 x
Craniosacral- or Trager therapy 1 x
Respiratory therapy 1 x
Full body massage 1 x
Aroma wrap 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Anreise Samstag bis Montag | empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer mindestens 7 Tage


I AM WHAT I AM - compact mental coaching medium

Strengthen my ME in challenging times! 3 reflective, resource-strengthening coaching sessions in one week to choose from. Framed by treatments to let the breath flow, form roots, let go.

Psychological coaching and/or art therapy and or communication coaching 3 x
Trager metod and/or Craniosacral therapy 1 x
Respiratory therapy 1 x
Initial medical examination 1 x
final medical examination 1 x
Full body massage 1 x
Aroma wrap 1 x
follow-up medical examination 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Arrival Saturday till Monday | recommended minimum length of stay 7 days


I AM WHAT I AM - my compact mental coaching large

Verbal or nonverbal. Perceive different forms of communication and use them in a targeted manner. According to the method "Profit by Difference" by Dr. Modler. In addition, a resource-strengthening accompanying coaching and appropriate body treatments for the inner and outer attitude....

Initial medical examination 1 x
Follow-up medical examination 1 x
Final medical examination 1 x
Respiratory therapy 2 x
Coaching session (holistic-, business-, nature-, or art therapy) 4 x
Trager- oder Craniosakralbehandlung 1 x
Abhyanga-Massage 1 x
Aroma wrap 2 x
Full body massage 1 x

Package excl. accommodation

Arrival Sunday toTuesday


All prices including VAT. Subject to alterations.

Thank you for your interest in our package »«. Please reserve one of our rooms first and then proceed with the package:

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