Our idea of it all…

To call it by its name: the Tannerhof is complicated
and confusing as it cruises along hotel,
health, organic gourmet cuisine, diet, art and nature.
We don’t necessarily make things easy to pinpoint
for our guests, but neither for ourselves,
let alone those tourism experts, hotel classifiers,
booking portals or holiday platforms.

Because what the Tannerhof came to be over the decades
is offbeat, its history is almost lyrical.
Today, this place is ambiguous, artistic and endearing.
It is holiday, health, fasting. It is 5-course gourmet menues,
rooms with 9(!) to 36m², Chalet Towers and Cottages.
It is the onstage highclass culture programme
and the offstage savoir vivre.


Our idea of it all…

To call it by its name: the Tannerhof is complicated and confusing as it cruises along hotel, health, organic gourmet cuisine, diet, art and nature.
We don’t necessarily make things easy to pinpoint for our guests, but neither for ourselves, let alone all those tourism experts, hotel classifiers, booking portals or holiday platforms.

Because what the Tannerhof came to be over the decades is offbeat, its history is almost lyrical. Today, this place is ambiguous, artistic and endearing. It is holiday, health, fasting. It is 5-course gourmet menues, rooms with 9(!) to 36m², Cabin Towers and Cottages. It is the onstage highclass culture programme and the offstage savoir vivre.

At the Tannerhof we find it inspiring to fluctuate between different genres and layers, the old and the new, the airy and the grounded. Confining oneself strictly to one dimension makes life artificial – take »design« for instance. What the hotel business usually classifies as aesthetics or style is something we avoid like swimming in a pool of electric eels.

Now here, finally, we are strict: Chacun à sa façon. What sounds like a clichè is our philosophical announcement for you: come as YOU are. In some ways this place seems provocative, simple, almost naive, loveable, eccentric and digitally outdated. The Tannerhof equally conveys a feeling of retro and SCIENCE FICTION. Less is more.

Burgi and Roger say: "Surely there are people who dislike the Tannerhof, just as we dislike certain places. That’s perfectly normal and OK with us, meaning this place is very open and free, with much diversity fitting into it.

There are hotels which are very homogenous and clean-cut but terribly boring. And then there’s the Tannerhof. We get the impression that most of our guests know, feel and understand what it‘s all about here and just pick what they need or does them good. That is what truely makes us happy!"