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The Leitzachtal Edition

The Leitzachtal Edition
The Leitzachtal Edition

Christopher Thomas can’t be stopped – mostly off in the dawn of day to catch the spellbound moments of magical light or fabulous clouds – always with an eye for unique atmosphere.

His photography comes in a composed black and white or sepia colouring, taken with his beloved Linhof Field Camera and Polaroid 55 films.

Throughout 2012 Christopher photographed the 'Leitzachtal Edition' at the Tannerhof – displaying the beauties of the Leitzach Valley not in the usual boisterous brochure colouring but in the elegantly monochrome style characteristic of his work. Printed on mould made paper the pictures couldn’t be more powerful.

These original prints now adorn the Salon and the Alte Tann. The famous local Gerhard Polt – renowned writer, filmmaker, actor and satirical cabaret artist – added his inimitable comments to the photographs and thus accentuates or folls the almost painfully beautiful motifs.

You are very welcome to come and discover. Make sure to enjoy a cappuccino in the Salon or on the terrace whilst you’re here.

Prints are available in three sizes via Christopher’s curator Ira Stehmann Or you may order the beautifully made book Leitzachtal Edition here at €12,90 plus shipping.

Enjoy this little feast for the eyes.

The Leitzachtal Edition